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The Baker Center for Children and Families (also known as Judge Baker Children’s Center), promotes the best possible mental health of children and families through the integration of research, intervention, training, and policy.


Through research we identify best practices.


Through intervention we bring those practices to children and families of diverse communities.


Through training we disseminate skills in research and quality care.


Through policy development, we use scientific knowledge to expand public awareness and inform public policy.

President’s Welcome

The Baker Center is a nationally recognized provider of services for children’s mental health and special education. In recent years we have seen many exciting changes, including an organization-wide rebrand. Many may remember us by our former name, Judge Baker Children’s Center, back during a time when I first came onboard as President & CEO. Since that time, I have been working closely with our Board of Trustees and expert staff to expand and strengthen our efforts to reach even more children and families.

Our work includes providing the highest quality care in mental health and special education, conducting research, providing consultation and leadership in mental health policy and practice, and training the next generation of professionals.

We, at The Baker Center, believe that every child is important and deserving of the best we have to offer. If you want to learn more, don’t hesitate to contact me or our expert staff.


what they say

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